Since 2006 Explora Security has been a designer for NATO bases in Afghanistan (KAF –Kandahar Air Field, KAIA – Kabul International Airport, ISAF HQ – International Security Assistance Force Headquarters).
Explora expertise was required for the risk survey of the existing force protection and surveillance capabilities that subsequently resulted in a complete 100% Engineering Design for Perimeter Security and Entry Control Points. Further contracts for Contractor Q&A, Certification and sustainment are expected.
In 2009 Explora was awarded a contract for the design of the perimeter physical defences of ISAF/NATO HQ in Kabul. The scope performed included the conduction of a detail All-Hazard analysis for the base and the development of four different mitigation strategies. Once the client decided on the preferred option, Explora was commissioned to develop a full construction tender package for the works.
Upon award of the construction contract, Explora performed the Project Management and Quality Assurance for the construction works and Certification of the project. The walls represent leading-edge blast mitigating technology incorporating DynaBlok materials and hot-sprayed polymer. The wall was designed to be manufactured off site and rapidly installed without impacting day to day operations.
Explora Security designed the blast resistant walls and provided Quality Assurance to the prime construction company. The design also incorporated DynaBlok Watch Towers as well as 10m Dynatowers. This €35M project is considered one of the most sophisticated physical Force Protection endeavors performed by NATO in Afghanistan.
The project included the erection of a 1.4 km long high blast wall surrounding ISAF HQ. The design called for a solution that could be manufactured securely offsite, then erected rapidly on-site with no disruption to base operations. NATO selected the Explora Security Ltd’s innovative energy-absorbing construction solution to erect the wall in pre-cast, 2m wide sections. A dedicated construction and assembly yard was set-up in Kabul to meet project demand.
International Organisation for Migration
World Intellectual Property Organisation
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information & co-operation. Established in 1967, WIPO is a self-funding agency of the United Nations.
Explora’s task was to design a blast resistant wall to shield the global HQ in Geneva from Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Devices (VBEID). The task included the review of existing architectural and structural plans, performance of Dynamic Calculations to determine the required engineering solutions, co-ordination of all necessary Export & Certification requirements for all recommended products along with onsite site inspections and certifications.
Care International Facilities
Explora Security Ltd has been involved in the design and supervision of numerous blast mitigation elements at Camp Lemonnier. This US Naval Expeditionary Base, situated at Djibouti’s International Airport, is the US military’s only permanent base in Africa.
Explora has been involved in the siting, supervision and construction of blast protected watch towers for the base. These towers protect US and allied forces from both Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBEID) and ballistic threats. Alongside operator safety, comfort is a key requirement to ensure personnel remain alert and focused in hostile environmental conditions.
Hostile Environment NGO's - Additional Projects
The projects listed above are just a sample of Explora Security's proven track record in the design, build, certification, testing & real-world application of personnel and infrastructure protection techniques and technologies for the NGO community.
For further details, or to learn how Explora Security could help your organisation, please contact us.