Entry Control Point Pilot Programme
Explora conducted the design and turn-key delivery of the Entry Control Point Pilot program (ECPPP) in Iraq for the US Marine Corps.
This is a unique state-of-the-art demonstrator project of anti-terrorism technologies (detection, prevention and mitigation) where Explora took the role of lead designer and integrator (including construction and installation) for the ECPPP.
The US Government wished to construct a state-of-the-art Entry Control Operation in order to act as a template for US bases in high threat environments.
Explora Security acted as the systems integrator for the project as it incorporated design and integration of protective blast design and innovative technologies.
The design concept was to reduce direct human contact until the threat of an IED has been reduced as far as possible. All personnel are located in blast resistant buildings for normal operations. Buildings have the capacity to survive a large IED attack so that troops can fight off the subsequent multi-phase assault.
The design requirements included the ability to process in excess of 15,000 vehicles per month, including convoys of up to 200 trucks arriving simultaneously, requiring large holding areas.
The solution called for:
Rail mounted vehicle X-ray
Under vehicle scanning
Barriers/Bollards K4, K8, K12
Surveillance Camera Systems
DynaShield Window Systems
Metalith Barriers
Fibre Optic Cabling
Power Generation
Control systems for traffic/pedestrian access
Public address system
Control room
Perimeter Security & Entry Control
Since 2009 Explora Security has been a designer for all NATO bases in Afghanistan (KAF –Kandahar Air Field, KAIA – Kabul International Airport, ISAF HQ – International Security Assistance Force Headquarters).
Explora expertise was required for the survey of the existing force protection and surveillance capabilities that subsequently resulted in a complete 100% Engineering Design for Perimeter Security and Entry Control Points. Further contracts for Contractor Q&A, Certification and Sustainment have also been won and fulfilled.
Explora Security continues to support Operation Resolute Support - the NATO-led follow-on mission in Afghanistan.
VBEID Mitigation
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information & co-operation. Established in 1967, WIPO is a self-funding agency of the United Nations.
Explora’s task was to design a blast wall to act as perimeter security for the global HQ from Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Devices (VBEID). The task included the review of existing architectural and structural plans, performance of Dynamic Calculations to determine the required engineering solutions, co-ordination of all necessary Export & Certification requirements for all recommended products along with onsite site inspections and certifications.
Hostile Vehicle Mitigation - Additional Projects
The projects listed above are just a sample of Explora Security's proven track record in the design, build, certification and real-world testing of Hostile Vehicle Mitigation techniques and technologies.
For further details, or to learn how Explora Security could help your organisation, please contact us.